Our Vision

Values, that count

From the purchasing until the sale of the desired high-quality veneer product, we place utmost priority, respect and appreciation toward the people and natural resources involved in the process.

Standing the test of time …

are our relationships: to our customers, suppliers and employees. You value fairness, reliability and insight, building trust and making way for opportunity. As an affiliate member of the German ´Initiative Furnier + Natur e. V. (IFN)´ we actively support action taken to inform and encourage interest in raw veneer materials.


In this light we are dedicated to forming a credible link between responsible production and the consumption of forest products. Our company has been FSC-Certified since 06. October 2010. As a result we support wood trade originating from controlled and carefully managed forestation (FSC Controlled Wood) and certified forest supplies (FSC 100%). In accordance to the laws and regulations of sustainable forestry, we only purchase and use wood from legal origin and felling in stable political and nonhazardous forest regions.


We do not trade wood according to EU Timber Regulation EUTR …

… originating from natural forests, that have been transformed into plantations or which have been conformed to non-woodland use;

… from forests, in which genetically engineered plants or trees have been planted;

… which have originated from forest lands, where basic citizen rights are breached;

… from forests, that are protected or in threat of extinction;

… which have been illegally felled.